Welcome to the latest cohort!


The Entrepreneur's Roadmap is a free comprehensive guide to starting a business.

The Entrepreneur's Roadmap is a free comprehensive guide to starting a business.

Idea Support provides free expert feedback to help you improve your idea.

Idea Support provides free expert feedback to help you improve your idea.

The BALSA Grant provides cash and mentorship to help you start your business.

The BALSA Grant provides cash and mentorship to help you start your business.

Rachel Simon-Lee

Interview with BALSA Grant Winner

Madeline Jackson

Interview with BALSA Grant Winner

We believe that lowering barriers to entrepreneurship will help promote social equity and prosperity in our region.
— The BALSA Foundation

We provide mentorship and resources to help first-time entrepreneurs get started, and rely on support from the entrepreneurial community to do so.  

You can help us by volunteering your time or donating to The BALSA Grant.  

Learn more about us.

“We honed our craft on our own but definitely gained a lot of business knowledge from the mentorship we received from the Balsa Foundation and the Balsa Learning series. We absolutely would not be where we are if it was not for the support and guidance we received from this foundation”
— Darren and Charlene Young - The Fattened Caf

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